How To Loose weight By Yourself

Before we start, here are some things that you should understand.


Stop copying people and hoping you will get the same results. Everyone’s weightloss regime should be different with the main factors effecting this being (age, weight, activity level, body goals, what’s holding you back,etc)


Start at a pace that you can see yourself maintaining long term & improve whenever your body allows it.


Think of training like you think of sports. If you want to be lebron you can’t expect to play like him from the start. You need to progressively improve through training before you can even hope of playing as good as lebron. The same can be said for losing weight, you shouldn’t expect to be able to lose weight as fast as the best from the start… SO SLOW DOWN 


The scale will often lie about your progress. Many unseen factors like water weight, muscle growth or time of day you’re weighing yourself can throw it off. Because of this it is much better to make goals and keep track of your progress through the mirror & progress pictures.


I personally believe with weight loss it’s 80% diet and 20% exercise

Throughout my journey with weight loss, there’s been times where I wasn’t able to workout how I wanted to, but I was able to still maintain and even lose weight by just sticking to my diet. 


On the other hand, when I went to visit my parents for Christmas holidays I was working out even harder than usual, but I was eating my mom’s food & I ended up gaining weight!


So get that diet in check above all else!

To Start

Find your caloric maintenance number.

This represents the amount of calories you need to eat in a day to maintain your current weight – 

-There’s a calculator on the my website 

(select maintenance at the bottom)


Then eat less than this number to lose weight.

This is called entering a calorie deficit

Being in a 500 calorie deficit means you’re eating 500 calories less than your caloric maintenance number daily

Example: If your maintenance number is 2500 and you’re eating 2000 calories daily then you are in a 500 calorie deficit.


For weight loss I start all my clients with a 500 calorie deficit.

-This would equate to at least 1lb of weightloss per week guaranteed. 

(Probably more at the start because you’re coming out of bad habits)


The reason this is guaranteed is 3500 calories = 1lb of body weight

-Thus, 500cal deficit x 7days in a week = 3500 calories / 1lb 

Try this deficit for about a week & see how it does with your appetite.


If you feel like it’s too little = eat more

If you feel like it’s just enough = then keep doing it

If you feel like you can eat less = try a bigger deficit! 

(do not exceed 1000-1500 calorie deficit, it is dangerous for ur health.)


If you do what is written above correctly I have no doubt in my mind that you WILL lose weight.

When Building Your Diet

Make sure you’re building a diet for YOU.

Do your best to build your diet using foods you actually enjoy… or at least don’t mind eating.

Sure it may not be the lowest calorie or macro efficient diet, but having the “best” diet means nothing if you can’t stick to it!


The best diet for losing weight is… 

The one ur most likely to stick to long term! 

For most, extreme diets like keto & intermittent fasting aren’t sustainable so I alway advise against them.

However, if you’re able to stick to such extreme diets or you find they suit your lifestyle then go for it! I’m not saying u won’t see results, but a simple calorie deficit can be just as effective! 


Not to mention a simple calorie deficit will be much less stressful as it is less restrictive. 

Following a calorie deficit also teaches you EXACTLY HOW you lost the weight & even lets you calculate how long it will take


Look for high volume foods. 

This means foods that are physically big which are also low in calories. 

So you stay feeling full while dieting 


Try to eat 1-1.5G per lb of body weight.

To ensure you maintain as much muscle as you can while losing weight, prioritize protein in your diet! 


Drinks lots of water.

Staying hydrated helps your body function more optimally, thus improving your health overall.


Once you’ve become comfortable with being in a calorie deficit to improve even more you can also build your diet according to a macro split!


Macros are the 3 main components of a calorie. 

They consist of fats, proteins & carbs. 

1g fats = 9 calories.

1g of protein = 4 calories.

1g of carbs = 4 calories.


To build a diet based on a macro split

Using the calorie limit you set, based on your calorie deficit, pick foods that will give you a % ratio of protein/carbs/fats.


For weight loss I personally recommend a 50% protein / 30% days / 20% carbs split.


However, your goals may be different so to find the appropriate macro split for your goals google “best macro split for (insert body goal here)” and do some research!

Your Training

When I started my workouts weren’t anything crazy. 

Too many people think they can start off by going to the gym everyday 2x a week. This is a sure-fire way to burn yourself out and lose all your motivation too soon.


Be realistic and work your way up.


I started off working out about 3 times a week for about an hour and gradually as I became more experienced I increased the frequency accordingly.


They would start with a light warmup which can really be anything just to the point where my heart rate was a bit higher (5-10min). Then I would do about 5-6 different exercises that targeted usually 2 muscle groups that relate (so like back & bicep, chest & tricep, tricep & bicep, legs & shoulders had their own days) and ended with some cardio (like 10-20mins).


If it’s just a number on the scale you care about then do cardio but if you care about being muscular then weight train too!


You’re only really at a plateau if it’s been 3-4 weeks of you being 100% strict with no results!




Are you under 16? (Maybe put this to the side of the paragraph following the header “To Start” so theres a sort of disclaimer before young people read)


You’re still young so don’t start counting calories or restricting yourself too much because you’re still growing and your body needs the calories/nutrients to grow to it’s full potential!


Just stay away from the junk food & try to stick to more nutritious foods like meats and veggies!


For workouts I’m not sure if u should start lifting weight yet as it might stunt your growth but look into calisthenics! That’s body weight workouts